Why Summer Could Be the Best Time to Have Wisdom Teeth Extracted

June 23, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalsouthtexas @ 6:59 pm
Young woman in green jacket outside and smiling

If anyone in your family is between the ages of 17 and 21, they may be due to receive their wisdom teeth soon – which means there’s a good chance that they might need a wisdom tooth extraction in the near future. For many people, summer can be an excellent time to have this procedure done. Here’s a brief review of why wisdom teeth often need to be removed, as well as the advantages of doing so around this time of year.

Why Do Wisdom Teeth Have to Be Extracted?

Sometimes wisdom teeth don’t cause any problems, in which case it’s safe to keep them. More often than not, though, removing them is necessary. The main issue is that much of the time there isn’t enough room in the mouth for them to emerge. Consequently, they may become trapped under the gums, or they may start to push your other teeth. This can lead to pain and a number of oral health issues. As such, an extraction is often needed to protect your smile.

Why is Summer a Good Time for Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

It’s generally best to have wisdom teeth extracted at the earliest possible opportunity, but there are certain advantages to having it done during the summer:

  • It’s Easier to Schedule an Appointment: Many people have their wisdom teeth removed while they’re older teenagers or young adults. As such, it’s often easier for such individuals to fit the procedure into their schedules during the summer when they don’t have school or college to worry about.
  • It’s Easier to Set Aside Time to Recover: Oftentimes, patients need a day or two to fully recover from wisdom tooth extraction, especially if general anesthesia or certain forms of sedation dentistry were used. During the summer, there’s generally more free time to set aside to rest.
  • It’s Often Less Stressful: Having wisdom teeth removed can be very stressful for some individuals, and having a busy schedule can make things worse. But during the summer, many people have fewer responsibilities, so they won’t have as much to worry about while they’re getting the care they need.
  • It’s a Good Excuse to Cool Off with a Soft Treat: Patients who have just had their wisdom teeth removed need to stick to a soft food diet for a while. Luckily, there are plenty of soft treats that are perfect for warmer months, such as ice cream.

Do you or any of your loved ones need a wisdom tooth extraction? If so, you should get in touch with your dentist as soon as possible to ask about having it performed before the summer ends.

About the Author

Dr. Roel Valadez is a proud native of Alice, TX. He is one of only two general dentists in the Coastal Bend area who is licensed to provide IV sedation to help his anxious patients. He has been specially trained in wisdom tooth extractions and various other procedures. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Valadez at Advanced Dental Care of South Texas, visit his website or call (361) 664-3057.

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